San Diego Magazine and Cox Business celebrated the 2014 nominees, honorees, and special award honorees at The Paddock at Del Mar Fairgrounds on May 15, 2014. The program spotlighted 267 nominees, all of them leaders in information technology who were nominated by their peers, colleagues, and employers. Eleven of the nominated Top Tech Execs were recognized as honorees, and two individuals received special awards acknowledging lifetime achievement and excellence in information technology.
Terry Dembitz, Amylin Pharmaceuticals, an AstraZeneca Company
Christopher Petersen, Assay Depot, Inc.
Abe Esguerra, DUDEK
Nimer Saikaly, Information Technology Episcopal Community Services
Andrew Blocksidge, Jazzercise
John Ruiz, Karl Strauss Brewing Company
Robert Jensen, San Diego Christian College
Jason Janofsky, Superior Mobile Medics, Inc.
Robert Burgett, The Elizabeth Hospice
Noel “Chuck” Stevens, United States Marine Corps – Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego
Doug Cyphers, Welk Resorts
Harold Tuck, County of San Diego
Gary Devan, Mission Federal Credit Union
Steve Romeo, Breg
Dave Druker, Dataskill
Kelly Gunning, BAE Systems
Dana Di Ferdinando, Arena Pharmaceuticals (Judging Chair)
John Merritt, YMCA of San Diego (Judging Chair)
Anwar Abbas, North County Health Services
Rich Coppa, The Arc of San Diego
Casey Cotton, Madison Avenue Securities and Asset Marketing Systems
Kurt Cumming, Global Village Concerns
Jessie Daly, Isis Pharmaceuticals
Dave Druker, Dataskill
Kelly Gunning, BAE Systems
Jim Haskin, Aspect Software
Gary Holden, Abnology Incorporated
Debra Jensen, Charlotte Russe
Tom Kennedy, Olivenhain Municipal Water District
Marty Larkin, San Diego Humane Society & SPCA
Bob Millington, Veterans Medical Research Foundation
Heather Moshier, San Diego Country Credit Union
Guillermo Perez, U-T San Diego
Chuck Phillips, Digitaria
Tad Reynales, CALIT2
Steve Romeo, BREG
Chris Staszak, Technology for Semantic Research, Inc.
Brad Williams, Petco Animal Supply
Michael Zill, CareFusion
2014 Photos
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